The REST API usage documentation can be found at This documentation only covers the internal modules used to support the REST API.


Data serializers - used for the REST API

class visualizer.serializers.BallotpediaSerializer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseVisualizationSerializer

A serializer for specifying the Ballotpedia data.

Instead of specifying jsonFile (which is confusing because the sidecar is also JSON), this serializer uses “resultsSummaryFile” and “candidateSidecarFile”, along with the other options bp wants: 1. dataSourceURL (URL) 2. areResultsCertified (bool) 3. isPrimary (bool)

class Meta

Bases: Meta

bp_fields = ('jsonFile', 'textForWinner', 'candidateSidecarFile', 'dataSourceURL', 'areResultsCertified', 'owner')
fields = ('slug', 'id', 'movieHorizontal', 'movieVertical', 'movieGenerationStatus', 'numRounds', 'numCandidates', 'title', 'jsonFile', 'textForWinner', 'candidateSidecarFile', 'dataSourceURL', 'areResultsCertified', 'owner')
resultsSummaryFile = SerializerMethodField()

Instead of jsonFile, this endpoint uses the more-descriptive “resultsSummaryFile”. Rename resultsSummaryFile to jsonFile here.

class visualizer.serializers.BaseVisualizationSerializer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

The rest_framework serializer for a JsonConfig Model. DRF expects a fixed set of options, so this uses the model defaults and nothing more.

class Meta

Bases: object

The meta class to simplify construction of the serializer

fields = ('slug', 'id', 'movieHorizontal', 'movieVertical', 'movieGenerationStatus', 'numRounds', 'numCandidates', 'title')

alias of JsonConfig

owner = ReadOnlyField(source='owner.username')
read_only_but_validate_fields = ('numRounds', 'numCandidates', 'title')
read_only_fields = ('slug', 'id', 'movieHorizontal', 'movieVertical', 'movieGenerationStatus')

Raises a ValidationError if the data does not have superfluous fields.

classmethod load_graph_or_errors(jsonFile, candidateSidecarFile)

Returns the graph, or raises an error if it cannot.

classmethod populate_dict_with_json_data(model, graph)

Adds title, num rounds, num candidates to the model. Does not save the model.

classmethod populate_model_with_json_data(model, graph)

Same as populate_dict_with_json_data, but using dot notation instead of bracket


Before saving from the REST API, populates all required data


Object instance -> Dict of primitive datatypes.

class visualizer.serializers.JsonOnlySerializer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseVisualizationSerializer

A serializer for specifying just the JSON file. All other settings are set to their default values.

class Meta

Bases: Meta

fields = ('slug', 'id', 'movieHorizontal', 'movieVertical', 'movieGenerationStatus', 'numRounds', 'numCandidates', 'title', 'jsonFile', 'owner')
writeable_fields = ('jsonFile', 'owner')
class visualizer.serializers.UserSerializer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ModelSerializer

The rest_framework serializer for a User Model

class Meta

Bases: object

The meta class to simplify construction of the serializer

fields = ['id', 'username', 'this_users_jsons']

alias of User

ordering = ['-id']


Data validation - to be used across REST and HTTP access


Limit file size to 2mb


Limit title length 256 chars

visualizer.validators.try_to_load_jsons(jsonFileObj, sidecarJsonFileObj)

Checks that the JSON can be loaded and is under 2mb. Raises: - BadJSONError: Summary JSON cannot be loaded - BadSidecarError: Sidecar JSON cannot be loaded - ValidationError: 2mb limit is reached - Anything else: unknown error Returns: - Loaded graph