Common cross-app utils


Helper functions for unit and integration tests

class common.testUtils.TestHelpers

Bases: object

Helper function for various test classes below

classmethod copy_with_new_name(jsonFileToCopy, newName, newFilenamePrefix=None)

Copies the file to a tempfile, but changes the name. Returns the tempfile

classmethod create_non_admin_api_user()

Basic setup for tests: create a non-admin API user

classmethod create_request_mock(data, statusCode)

Creates a mock function call for the requests library

classmethod does_fieldfile_equal_file(fsFilePath, fieldFile)

Does the FieldFile (django field) equal the file at fsFilePath?

classmethod generate_random_valid_json_of_size(numBytes)

Generates a valid but strange JSON of size num_bytes and returns the filename

Gets the auth regisration link from the email outbox

classmethod get_headless_browser()

Returns a headless browser

classmethod get_latest_upload()

Returns the last-uploaded json config

classmethod get_multiwinner_upload_response(client)

Uploads the multiwinner json file and returns a response

classmethod give_auth(user, auths)

Gives auth or list of auths to the current user, then refetches user from the db

classmethod login(client)

Forces a login. Creates a user as needed, and returns that user

classmethod login_with_scrape_permissions(client)

Logs in and creates permissions needed to run scraper

classmethod logout(client)

Logs out (if logged in)

classmethod make_multi_scraper()

Creates a multi-scraper object. You must mock out requests.get if you plan to scrape.

classmethod make_scraper()

Creates a scraper object. You must mock out requests.get if you plan to scrape.

classmethod mock_scraper_url_with_file(requestMock, url='mock://scrape', filename='testData/oneRound.json')

Creates a valid response from the server

classmethod modify_json_with(jsonFilename, modifierFunc)

Given a modifierFunc which modifies the data in the given file, updates the json file and returns a Tempfile holding the new data

classmethod setup_host_mocks(testClass)

Mock out get_host (since tests don’t set it but visualizer depends on it

classmethod silence_logging_spam()

Clean up output of misc libraries

Utility functions shared across views, in either movie or visualizer apps

class common.viewUtils.DefaultConfig

Bases: object

A simplified JsonConfig with just the default values. Use this to pass to functions that require a config if you do not have or need a config (e.g. in validators).


How tall should the iframe be for a vis with this # of candidates?

common.viewUtils.get_data_for_graph(graph, config)

Helper function for get_data_for_view: convert the graph to data to be passed on to JS.

common.viewUtils.get_data_for_round_describer(graph, config)

Helper function for get_data_for_view: convert the round describer to data to be passed on to JS


All data needed to pass on to the visualize or visualizeembedded view

common.viewUtils.get_embed_html(embedlyUrl, maxwidth, maxheight)

Given the absolute URL to the visualizeEmbedly page, returns the UTF-8 encoded HTML needed to embed that page in an iframe.


Disables transitions on the current page


Gets the domain name from the request